Tuesday, December 6, 2011

"You Can't Hide Your Heart"

"But I the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve." -Jeremiah 17:10

Some people think that it is okay to use, abuse, put down and mistreat others.  They think it's within their rights to plot against others, to embarass others and at times to press others so hard that they break their spirit and self worth.  I know that we've all met people like these at some point in life.  There are those who hurt others and really don't intend to do so but then there are those who intentionally go out each day with the goal of making someone's life as miserable as theirs.  Because words and actions can be so damaging to others, I pray everyday that I am forgiven for the sins that I knowingly commit as well as those that I don't even know I am committing. 

There was a time in my life when I was very cut an dry and my words hurt people.  I would shrug it off when others confronted me about my harsh words or actions.  It wasn't until God allowed me to be broken down to nearly nothing that I became more sensitive to people and more careful with my actions.  I was one who didn't hurt people intentionally but I certainly didn't apologize for my behavior either.  God dealt with me and trust me if it had not been for hours and days of constatnt repentance and prayer, I would not be here today.  The world says "People who hurt people are hurting people."  This is mostly true but we all have to take responsibility for what we do to others and not lean on excuses or past hurts as a reason to go after others who likely had no part in your past pain.

This scripture says it straight, God searches all hearts and examines all motives.  It doesn't say that He examines all motives and allows you to mistreat others because you were mistreated in your past!  The last line of the scripture says "I give all people their due rewards according to what their actions deserve."  That's pretty powerful!  We all need to start thinking more about how we act toward others.  God is surely watching and you may be smiling for a time but you will be given what you deserve in God's perfect timing!  "God is not a man that he would lie.'"  Start treating others just as you would want to be treated because God always keeps his word!

Song to listen to:  "I Believe God" - Martha Munizzi