Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Holidays, Hopes and New Years...

"My soul, wait thou only upon God; for my expectation is from Him." (Psalm 62:5)

December has somehow made its way back around again!  When I notice the year is nearly over, I always ask myself, where did the time go???  It seems that just yesterday, I was on the beach, basking in the sun and now it's cold and snowflakes will be falling sooner than I want to believe!  The holidays are here again and everything and everyone is moving at record speeds!

This time of year has been bitter-sweet for me for several years now.  Christmas has always been my favorite holiday and I look forward to the songs, holiday movies, shopping and just the whole joyful spirit that takes control of everyone.  Since I entered my 30s, the bitter has merged with the sweet though!  My 30s have added a sense of angst in me; a sense of sadness; and a bit of discouragement  when it comes to the holidays and the end of an old year and the approach of a new one.

The coming of a new year is supposed to be filled with hope and excitement but for me it has been a time of assessing all that hasn't happened yet; all the prayers that still can't be checked off the list as DONE.  It's December 2, 2014 today, so that means if God wants to end my year with a miraculous BANG, He has 29 days to make it happen!  My heart believes that He can but the other parts of me are pulling in the opposite direction, toward feelings of discouragement and disappointment.  So what do I do?  I could cry, sulk, and let Satan have his way with me or I can stay on my knees, praying day and night; fasting through the close of this year and seeking more of God's strength with the hope that God will show his faithfulness in greater ways during the last days of this year.  I'll keep trusting that He is the Great I Am and not the Great I Will Be! He is faithful to His word!  There's still time and nothing's too hard for my God :-)

Song to listen to: "Hold On, Help Is On the Way" -Whitney Houston/The Preacher's Wife