Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Enjoy the Gift of Today...

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. (Matthew 6:34)

 Although most of us look forward to the summer months, we also look forward to the craziness the warm weather brings.  Kids are more free and active, which means they're outdoors, running in the streets and though I haven't done the research, I believe more children get hit by cars in the summertime.  And the adults are just as free and active, drinking more at social events and taking more risks behind the wheel, in the name of having a good time and enjoying the nice weather.  All around it seems crime increases in the summer and what should be a time of joy becomes a time of worry.  Worry about your kids coming and going; worry about being at outdoor events and being in the midst of people who think shooting and stealing from others is fun; and worry that at any given moment someone in the crowd could do something or say something that could turn a warm afternoon into a crime scene.

After being away from the city on vacation for over a week, I came home to news of a woman hit and killed by a car a block away from my home; I heard about a horrific car crash involving a drunk driver that took the lives of a husband and his two young children; and a block away from my job a crazed driver hit two cars and killed a bicyclist, while trying to get away.  All of these events just tore my heart to pieces.  I had trouble being calm.  I became anxious and then fear began to set in.  I felt out of control because worry had grabbed my mind and I just didn't know what would happen next and the scariest part was wondering if something horrible would happen to me, next week, or next month.  When I became completely overwhelmed, I did the only thing I know, I got on my knees crying out to God to relieve me of the fear and heaviness.  After praying, I heard the scripture from Matthew. 6:34.  It came to me out of nowhere, then I heard it in an online sermon, and then again in something I picked up to read.  I know that God was telling me to let the worry go!  

Since then, I've felt lighter.  Are dangers still around? Yes.  Is the news still reporting death and destruction? Yes. But my response to what I see and hear has changed.  Will there be times again in the future when fear creeps up again For sure!  But if I remember to meditate on God's word everyday and look to him for peace, comfort and direction, I know he will provide.

So as we continue to enjoy this season, no matter what this evil world places before us to get us to be worried and afraid, make the choice to enjoy the sun, enjoy being outdoors, and enjoy this day and this moment that God has given.  Let tomorrow worry about tomorrow, while we enjoy today.

Song to listen to:  "How Great Is Our God" -Jonathan Nelson