Wednesday, February 25, 2015

He Has Us!

"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." (Isaiah 41:10)

I don't know why it is, but I tend to forget that nothing happening in my life is a secret from God...nothing has happened or will happen without His approval.  He has the master blueprint; the final script; and all executive rights to add, delete or revise my life story as He sees fit.  

I know that I am not the only absentminded one out there because my close family and friends also encounter situations on a daily basis that I hear about, where just like me, they try to figure out how to solve the problem or how to get this person or that person to change their mind or how to get themselves out of  uncomfortable or unbearable seasons of life.  When I get to the end of my rope (of myself) and throw up my hands, I often remember "God is In control!"  God already knows my today, tomorrow, and beyond.  

I've heard more than once that if we only knew all that God was doing on our behalf; all the battles He's fighting; all the obstacles He's moving; all the people He's creating; and all the pieces He's placing at just the perfect points  along our specific journeys, it would be too overwhelming for us to  digest or comprehend.  It would literally blow our minds!

I believe, we'd all be a lot healthier and a lot happier if we woke up every morning and remembered right away that God already has the day planned.  If we remembered that all we had to do was to step into the day of blessings already prepared by Him.  If we could only remember to begin each day with sincere thanks and praise to our Father who knows every hair on our head, how much greater would our lives be?

That's my prayer for me and everyone reading this today, that God would help us to remember more about His power in our lives and less about the people, places and things that serve as the backdrop to  the extraordinary plan and purpose that He has for each of us.  

Decide today to move forward, knowing that He is our God and He is upholding us with His righteous hand!

Song to listen to:  "Incredible God, Incredible Praise"  -The Praise, The Worship feat. James Hairston


  1. This is great! I am literally going to make it part of my routine to remind myself every morning that God has planned the day :) I may not know what is going to happen, but he has a reason for it all. Thanks! Keep writing :)

  2. Thanks for the encouraging word!

  3. This is inspirational indeed. Thank you very much.
