Thursday, September 13, 2012

Right Place, Right Time

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding." Proverbs 3:5

The more and more you live in this world, the more you see, the more you hear, the more you wonder, the more you desire.  If you're not careful (which most of us aren't) you'll become consumed by all that you see and all that you desire.  It's really difficult to live in a world with so many people and not begin to want what they have or what you think they have.  For example, walking down the street on a beautiful sunny day, suddenly you notice another woman with an adorable baby coming your way.  You can't help but look at that baby and admire how adorable the baby is and automatically start to fantasize about your future baby and how he or she will look or be.  This is just a harmless example but it can get alot deeper than that in life.

I've been known to obsess over what I want in my life and what hasn't happened yet and why it hasn't happen yet and on and on and on.  Becoming consumed by a desire is not the healthiest way to live, it's stressful and it almost always leads to sadness and misery.

Just this week, it came to me that even though there are so many pieces of my life that are not exactly fitting together in the way that I desire...I am exactly where I'm supposed to be.  I struggle with accepting this and I battle with God about the whys and the whens but when I finally settle down and God restores my peace, I honestly believe that I am exactly where I'm supposed to be in God's grand plan for my life.  It's not what I planned at all but I'm learning everyday to accept that it's exactly what God planned!  I am the exact age that I am supposed to be, in the exact career that I'm supposed to be in, and at the exact weight I'm supposed to be at today.  I know that I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be because I pray each and everyday for God to guide me in all that I do.  I trust God, which doesn't mean that I don't often question him (because I do).  I'm human and imperfect but when all else fails me I know that God is still right there for me.  Trusting God is an everyday activity.  It takes thought and action every single day because I'm so tempted to try to make theings happen in my own strength but the moment it hits me that God is in control and that his plan is perfect for me, a peace washes over me.  I know that one day trusting will just be a natural thing that I don't have to think about but it's a process and I know that God fully understands where I am in that process.  Today I trust that I am in the "Right place, at the Right time!"

Song to listen to: "Alwaysness" - Yolanda Adams

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