Monday, March 30, 2015

"Give Him the Glory!"

“It happened for the glory of God so that the Son of God will receive glory from this.” (John 11:4)

One of the strongest characteristics of human nature is the urge to think about and question things.  The urge to ask “why?”  “Why is this happening?; Why did you do that?; and Why did that happen?”   There are an infinite number of why questions for sure, but what I’ve come to understand is that there is not always a specific answer for those questions, no matter how many times you ask or how passionate or frustrated you get!

Lately, I’ve been thinking about the story of Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead.  One of the first questions asked when Jesus arrived was “why did you wait four days before coming?”  This is so familiar to me because I often ask the Lord the same thing in my daily life.  Small and big trials lead me to ask “what is this all about?” or  “why are you taking so long?”  Sometimes an answer comes eventually but most times I have to find comfort in knowing that I might not understand the reason but God always does.  One of my parents has been very ill over the last few years and there have been so many times that I asked God what was happening and why.  Today, as I was reading the story of Lazarus the above scripture stuck with me. 

God wants us to know that He is in control of all things, including life and death.  Usually when we are blessed with a new job; with a new relationship; with a healthy child; with a new home etc., people congratulate us as if it’s something we did to gain these blessings.  We always say thank you, but the truth of the matter is that we should be saying , "give all thanks and praises to God!"  I thank God today that I know that nothing I have or am is due to my effort!  I am perpetually imperfect and incapable, so I know all that I am is only because of God’s love, grace and mercy.  God blesses us and answers our prayers because He wants us to know his faithfulness and to praise Him as we share our testimony with others that don’t know Him in the way that we do!  It’s really not about us…hard to believe right??...It’s not about you!!! 

Just as in the story of Lazarus, the trials; the people we've written off; the dreams we think are dead and buried can all be resurrected with one touch from God!  Even if it’s been months or years, that doesn't mean that the Lord won't stop by and make all things new.  So during your current trial(s) or during the one(s) to come remember this, no one season of joy or pain lasts forever!  Get ready to give Him the glory!

Song to listen to: “Give me a clean heart” –Greater Mount Calvary Church

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

" Be You!"

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139: 14)

I often wonder what my true purpose is on this earth.  I wonder what I'm supposed to do; where I'm supposed to live; and what mark I'm supposed to make in my life.  I've been able to come up with small purposes, or what I consider to be "small purposes," but I still feel like my bigger purpose is a mystery.

I'm a very "thought-full" person, as one of my friends pointed out to me recently.  I think a whole lot about a whole lot of things...sometimes I annoy myself with how "thought-full" I am!  Sometimes I wish I could turn off my brain and just not think about anything!  In the last few years, I've become a pretty good observer of character because of my depth of thought, LOL!  My sister has on many occasions said "Some people were sent, and some just went!"  This is so funny to me, but also very true.  As I think about my purpose and what God wants to do through me here on earth, I believe that part of my purpose is connected to ministry.  Not so much to getting up on a pulpit and preaching the gospel but to minister in some other way that will connect to people and somehow bring them closer to God.  Many times, I see those people my sister talks about.  I see ministers presenting sermons that are dry and void of emotion; I see teachers presenting lessons with no enthusiasm; and daily I see people doing jobs they are clearly not meant to do!  "Some are sent and some just went!!!"

I understand that sometimes we have to do things we don't feel joyful about to get to where we are truly meant to be, but other times, I believe we try to force ourselves to fit into places, relationships and situations because we think that's what we want or we believe that's what others see as successful and meaningful.  I'm guilty of this, I am drawn into this, and I often think way too much about what people are thinking of me instead of what God thinks of me and has created me for.

What I have learned in all of this is that there is a perfect plan for each one of plan may be and look very different from yours, but that doesn't make it any less valuable or useful in this world.  I don't want to be one of those people who's determined to force myself into a mold, position or role to prove something to the people who should feel blessed to be in my life :-).  I sincerely want to be the person God created me to be...flaws, annoyances and all!  My life so far has definitely not played out as I thought it would or should but I know it's played out the way God knew it would and there is purpose in every inch of it!

Let's take time today to get excited about  how God is going to get us to where He wants us to go in this world and let's try to think less and rely more on God as the driver and let's be conceited about how fearfully and wonderfully He has made us! Be You! No one else can Be a better You!

Song to listen to:  "God's Gift" -Jeff Majors (feat. Kelly Price)

Tuesday, March 10, 2015


"Anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.." (Hebrews 11:6)

Do you often find yourself feeling disappointed with where your life has taken you so far?  Are you disappointed today that what you had planned didn't or hasn't worked out the way you thought it would?  If you're anything like me, you can answer both with a "YES!"  It's ok...don't beat yourself up over how you feel or feel that you are being ungrateful because you have these feelings.  Even if you deny that you've felt this way, God knows the truth...your truth.  I struggle with these feelings often and even today I'm trying to push past what I feel.  Some days it's real easy to shift my thinking to a more positive and grateful place, but other days it seems to hold onto me like a leech.  

I've read a lot of the bible in the last 10 years and the strongest weapon I've found are scriptures to fight this war on disappointment.  I've committed some to memory that are very powerful in speaking to feelings that attack our minds and can lead to hopelessness and even depression.  As Christians, we are not called to be perfect, pain-free, fearless and without worry but we are called to use the weapons we have in God's word to fight these battles for us. "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword." (Hebrews 4:12).  I know that it is not easy, especially when you are doing all that you can to live according to God's word yet you don't see, in the here and now, any benefit in it.  When I feel this way, I meditate on the scripture that says "No good thing does He withhold from those who do what is right" (Psalms 84:11).  As funny as it sounds, I do believe that if I do my best, God will do the rest :-) .  On those days when I feel like a fool; when I feel like everyone is looking at me and pitying me; when I think every enemy I've ever had is laughing at me and my faith, I meditate on the scripture that says, "Anyone who believes in Him will never be put to shame." (Romans 10:11).  And when I feel overwhelmed with feelings that I'm just not progressing, like I'm stuck in a holding pattern, like life is passing me by, I mediate on the scripture that says, "All things work together for good to them that love God." (Romans 8:28)...Even the things that seem bad to us...even when we see others receiving the blessings we want to see in our own lives...even when it seems like nothing is ever gonna change, we have to deliberately remember that all of these thoughts and feelings are lies.  I love what some preachers have said "Fear is False-Evidence-Appearing-Real."  Let's remember that these lies are only the enemy's lies to cause fear in us and to make us give up on God and His promises.  Today, make some time to go through the bible and find more scriptures that you can use on this battlefield.  The more scriptures you have in your memory, the stronger you'll be and the more power you'll have to overcome the feelings and fears that creep up on you.. 

Song to listen to: "I Understand" - Smokie Norful