Tuesday, March 24, 2015

" Be You!"

"I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made." (Psalm 139: 14)

I often wonder what my true purpose is on this earth.  I wonder what I'm supposed to do; where I'm supposed to live; and what mark I'm supposed to make in my life.  I've been able to come up with small purposes, or what I consider to be "small purposes," but I still feel like my bigger purpose is a mystery.

I'm a very "thought-full" person, as one of my friends pointed out to me recently.  I think a whole lot about a whole lot of things...sometimes I annoy myself with how "thought-full" I am!  Sometimes I wish I could turn off my brain and just not think about anything!  In the last few years, I've become a pretty good observer of character because of my depth of thought, LOL!  My sister has on many occasions said "Some people were sent, and some just went!"  This is so funny to me, but also very true.  As I think about my purpose and what God wants to do through me here on earth, I believe that part of my purpose is connected to ministry.  Not so much to getting up on a pulpit and preaching the gospel but to minister in some other way that will connect to people and somehow bring them closer to God.  Many times, I see those people my sister talks about.  I see ministers presenting sermons that are dry and void of emotion; I see teachers presenting lessons with no enthusiasm; and daily I see people doing jobs they are clearly not meant to do!  "Some are sent and some just went!!!"

I understand that sometimes we have to do things we don't feel joyful about to get to where we are truly meant to be, but other times, I believe we try to force ourselves to fit into places, relationships and situations because we think that's what we want or we believe that's what others see as successful and meaningful.  I'm guilty of this, I am drawn into this, and I often think way too much about what people are thinking of me instead of what God thinks of me and has created me for.

What I have learned in all of this is that there is a perfect plan for each one of us...my plan may be and look very different from yours, but that doesn't make it any less valuable or useful in this world.  I don't want to be one of those people who's determined to force myself into a mold, position or role to prove something to the people who should feel blessed to be in my life :-).  I sincerely want to be the person God created me to be...flaws, annoyances and all!  My life so far has definitely not played out as I thought it would or should but I know it's played out the way God knew it would and there is purpose in every inch of it!

Let's take time today to get excited about  how God is going to get us to where He wants us to go in this world and let's try to think less and rely more on God as the driver and let's be conceited about how fearfully and wonderfully He has made us! Be You! No one else can Be a better You!

Song to listen to:  "God's Gift" -Jeff Majors (feat. Kelly Price)


  1. You are extremely thought-full. That is part of why you are so good at sharing your message in this blog :)
