Wednesday, April 11, 2012

For "My" Good

“All things work together for good, of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose” – Romans 8:28

Everyday we talk to people.  We work with people, ride the train and bus with people, call people, and make eye contact with people.  We encounter so many people throughout each day of our lives that it’s impossible to count.  Some of these people we know, or think we know and some we’ll never have the chance to really learn about.  Though we will never be able to know them, God knows each one, inside and out.  Often, I find myself complaining about my life, my situations, my trials but usually it doesn’t take long for me to talk with someone and see that things could be worse!

Today, I thought about the scripture above.  I was listening to a song and the singer said “I don’t know your story.”  That line struck me and I couldn’t get it out of my head.  Everyone has their own unique story.  Of course some parts of some stories may remind you of your life or someone’s life that you know about, but no two stories will ever be exactly the same. 

This week, I’ve been thinking about how much God is doing in my life behind the scenes.  The battles He’s fighting to keep me alive; the doors He’s opening to promote me; the people He’s creating to show me favor; and the plans He’s laying out for each and every one of my tomorrows.  That’s a lot! And he’s not just doing that for me, but He’s doing that for everyone we know and don’t know.  All I can say is WOW! 

Even in the midst of all that God is doing, we still live with heartache and pain; we still become discouraged and disappointed when things don’t go our way; we still yearn for things and people to change and be what we want them to be.  I often try to remember this scripture and the fact that my journey, my story, and my testimony will not be like anyone else’s.  When I wonder why someone’s life seems better than mine in ways or why someone’s promotion has come before mine, I have to begin to remember that it’s because that’s the path and timeline God has carefully set for them and mine is different because I’m different.   There’s a specific and perfect plan for me and me alone!  I’m definitely working on accepting and embracing that truth today. 

Song to listen to:  “My Testimony” – Marvin Sapp

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