Tuesday, April 10, 2012


"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding" - Proverbs 3:5

Trusting God would not be so difficult if we didn't have eyes; didn't have ears; and didn't have hearts.  If we didn't have eyes, we wouldn't be able to see others around us seemingly reeping all the benefits of our hard work and tears.  If we didn't have ears, we wouldn't hear people talk about how great their lives are and how everything just continues to fall into place for them.  If we didn't have hearts, we wouldn't feel the sting of pain as we get on our knees every night, begging God to answer our most desired prayers and awake the next day with the burden of that one prayer still unanswered.

I've struggled alot with trusting God, I'll admit it.  I know it's easy to trust God when all is well; when things are going smooth, when you're employed; when everyone in the family is healthy; when your relationships are going good; when there's money in your pockets; and when things look like they're moving in the right direction.  It's not so easy when your health is failing you; when the person you love has walked out on you; and when you just can't seem to find peace anywhere you go! 

I'm struggling even today with life, with unanswered prayers, with questions that noone can answer for me.  Life is hard!  After you make the decision that you're going to keep living until God says it's your time to close your eyes for good, you have to make the choice to trust God!  It doesn't feel good to trust when your eyes and ears and heart are telling you to give up!  It doesn't feel good when good things seem to happen to  people who are doing all the wrong things.  It doesn't feel good when you've prayed and cried and cried and prayed for years for your dreams to come to life, yet you still can't see them.  But one thing that is getting me through each day even now is that I do believe that God is in control.  I do believe that God has my best interest at heart.  I do believe that God is working on my behalf behind the scenes!  I do believe that God rewards those who diligently seek him!  Even though I get mad at the world and mad at God, I always find myself back on my knees, apologizing to God for doubting him and confessing with my mouth that I trust him.  Even when my heart is breaking, there's one little piece of it that reminds me that if I just keep trusting God things will begin to turn around.

Song to listen to: "I Trust You" - James Fortune & Fiya

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