Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Pour out the blessings!

“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple.  If you do, “says the Lord of Heaven’s Armies,” I will open the windows of Heaven for you.  I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in!  Try it!  Put me to the test! – Malachi 3:10

I’m on this weight loss journey and have been for a while.  Just recently, I joined a program and I’m eating healthier and exercising regularly and it really feels good!  I was talking to a person who’s been on the program for a while and she was saying that initially the weight may take a while to begin to disappear but in a short while things will begin to change so rapidly that you won’t even be prepared to receive the changes!  That has stuck with me for many reasons since that conversation.

That conversation has resonated with me not just on a weight loss level but on so many other levels where I am challenged in life.  As many people do, I pray daily, all through the day about things I know I can’t change on my own.  Things I am forced to wait on God to supply!  Things that are completely out of my control!  Sometimes, I pray so hard that words stop coming out and all I can do is cry until the tears stop flowing.  At those times, I rely on the Holy Spirit to intercede on my behalf as it mentions in the bible.  But in all of this, I do believe that God will come through for me; He will answer my prayers (I just wish I knew the date and timeJ).  The words spoken to me were absolutely right though, from past experience I know that God works so swiftly when he is finally ready to answer you that it often makes you think or say “What just happened?”  When God moves, He doesn’t wait for you to get the house cleaned or get a new dress, He just moves in ways that are supernatural and unexplainable! 

I am a tither but I know that not everyone is.  Maybe you’re thinking about starting today and that’s a decision that’s between you and God but this scripture came into mind for me this week and God has made a clear promise here; He even went as far as to say “Put me to the test!”  The bible says “God is not a man that He should lie” so I know the blessings are described in this scripture are on their way!  I don’t know about you but I’m ready for Him to pour them all over me!  “Try it!”  Put Him to the test!

Song to listen to:    “Lift Him Up!” – Yolanda Adams, Donnie McClurkin and Mary Mary

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