Wednesday, April 8, 2015


"My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?" (Matthew 27:46)

The last month has been filled with ups and downs for me.  It has been a confusing time; a time of uneasiness and a time filled with questions that really just haven't had any concrete answers. Situations regarding health, death, and quality of life have consumed me at times, yet I've continued to reach out to God and to confess the words, "I trust you Lord!"

Trusting God doesn't mean that you understand what He's doing or what He's allowing to occur in your life at any particular moment, but it means that even in the pain and confusion, you know that He is still in control.  Yes, we all get mad with God at times because we think that we know what should happen to resolve all of the issues in our lives (most of the time), but the truth is we only know what we see and what our emotions lead us to feel.  God sees what we cannot see, "I make known the end from the beginning." (Isaiah 46:10).  While we are feeling all that comes with the trials in our lives, it's hard to remember and believe that God knows what He's doing.  

With recent medical issues with my father; the death of one of my friend's infant nephews; and the sudden decline in the health of another friend, I've wondered about why things happen the way they do.  I wonder what the good is in all of these things.  The scripture does say "All things work together for good" (Romans 8:28) but I just can't see the good sometimes.  Could it be that since God can see our tomorrows, that our pain and heartaches today are working to prevent us from things that would be even worse in our future?  Could it be that the end of a relationship today prevents you from the tragedy that individual would cause in your life 10 years from now? Could it be that the termination from your job today could lead you to your next job where you'll meet the person who'll become your business partner 5 years from now?  One thing I do believe without a doubt is that everything happens for a reason.  I won't deny that just like Jesus on the cross, I wonder "God why have you forsaken me?" We feel forsaken and we feel abandoned but the truth is...these are simply feelings and not realities.

As we continue to live, our only hope is in God.  He has not left us and He is very aware of the details in each of our lives.  In the uneasy moments and dark hours, instead of asking why have you forsaken me? replace that with "I trust you Lord!"  You may be crying as you say these words; you might be angry as you speak these words, but don't let feelings and emotions change what you know to be true.  "I am the way, and the truth and the life" (John 14:6)

Song to listen to: "My Life Is In Your Hands" - God's Property


  1. Was just talking about everything happening for a reason with a colleague. A right on time word!

  2. Even when the reason is not clear to you, there is a reason...
