Tuesday, May 26, 2015


"You know what I long for; you hear my every sigh." (Psalms 38:9)

No matter who you are and what your relationship status is today, you've experienced being lonely. Not so long ago, I believed that I was the only one who was lonely in my world.  After several years of true soul searching, I've realized that loneliness is not simply for single people.  Some people are lonely because they are single, without a spouse; some people are lonely and married; and others are lonely even though they have children and a spouse at home.  

As a thirty-something single woman, I have gone through the heights and depths of loneliness. It wasn't until I opened my eyes and began to look outside of myself, that I found that we all struggle with these same types of feelings.  At times it's heartbreaking to get home at the end of a long day to find yourself spending a long night alone.  It can be just as heartbreaking to get home at the end of the day to a spouse and/or children who don't communicate with you or shut you out of their lives.  Whatever the situation may be, we have to remember that God has promised never to leave or forsake us.  He has promised to supply all of our needs.  And He has promised to answer us when we call on Him.  I know, I know...we can't physically touch God and when you need a hug, you cannot physically feel that closeness but I can guarantee that when you turn your focus in His direction, He will give you peace so pure that it will truly surpass your understanding.

I believe that life is made up of waves...waves of joy, waves of excitement and waves of sadness too and we have to realize moments in our lives as just that, waves of change that come in close and then die down and roll away.  When moments of loneliness seem too much to bear, remind God that He said "It is not good for man to be alone." (Genesis 2:18)...sometimes He will send a friend, sometimes He will send a spouse, sometimes He will send children, but when none of these fit the bill and you still have that longing, know that He has sent the Holy Spirit that is ever-present inside of you and that never fails in giving you the comfort and peace you need to ride the wave out.

Song to listen to:  "Jesus Is Love" - The Commodores

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