Thursday, November 17, 2011

"Are you really ready for more?"

"If racing against mere men makes you tired, how will you race against horses?" -Jeremiah 12:5 (NLT)

Everyone I know, including me is always talking about what they want. Whether we're talking to friends, talking to colleagues, or talking to God in prayer, we're always talking about what we want to happen. No matter where you are in your finances, career or relationships we all have the desire for things to get better, for growth to occur and for situations to somehow become easier to handle. We talk about winning the lotto so that we never have to work again; we talk about saving up enough money to buy bigger homes, we talk about getting married and having a house full of children, we talk about owning our own businesses so that we don't have to work for ungrateful employers. All of the things we want so badly all come with a price. Have you ever really taken the time to think about what these big blessings will require of us? Just recently, I began to think about this more. If I hate getting up each morning to be to work by 9:00 a.m., how on earth will I handle owning my own business where I'll have to get up even earlier most days to plan and prepare for a busy and productive day? If I complain about cleaning up my one bedroom apartment, how will I manage cleaning a house with up to 6 or 7 rooms? If I can't stand being around noisey kids on the subway train, how will I be able to tolerate a full house of noisey kids, that don't go home? The scripture says it plainly, if you're tired and complaining about the common life you have, how would you handle a more abundant life? God blesses those who show him that they appreciate the small blessings already provided. Why would God bless you to become a millionaire, if you can't budget the money you make right now? Common sense would tell anyone, if you can't budget a little bit, you definitely can't budget alot more! It seems like you and I have alot of work to do to prepare for those prayers we've petitioned and those blessings we've spoken into the atmosphere. They can and will likely come to pass someday but only when God feels that we are ready to receive them. I want mine, what about you? Start getting ready to receive!

Song to listen to: "Hide Me" - Kirk Franklin

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