Monday, November 28, 2011

"Relax and Trust"

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.” – Proverbs 3:5

Sometimes I wonder why things are the way they are. For example, at times when I’m at my job I wonder, why I’m in this position or when I think about my personal life, I wonder, why  I don’t have children and a husband yet.  I often wonder why my life has followed a different path than some of my friends and acquaintances.  The human part of me sometimes pulls me down because a lot of times I focus on what others have and what I don’t have.  In the past, things like that would take me so low that it would take a few days for me to pull myself back up.  I’d often get mad, mad at God mostly because I always had a sense that God was in control because that’s what I was taught growing up but I couldn’t figure out why this God that was supposed to love me so much, would not allow me to have the things that I wanted, right when I wanted them.  Now that I’ve grown in age and knowledge of God and how He works I try, “try” being the key word, to remember scriptures like Proverbs 3:5.  I’ve realized that if I become fixated on what I can physically see and what I think I understand, I will stay on the emotional rollercoaster of allowing things to pull me down, taking my attention off of enjoying the life and blessings I have before me.  These days I have to remind myself every single day to trust in the Lord.  I know now that I’m not always going to understand why things are the way they are; I’m not always going to have exactly what I want, right when I want it.  I know now that, not having doesn’t mean that God loves me less than someone else who does have.  I know now that even though it’s not always comfortable, I am right where God wants me to be.  There’s a bigger plan and purpose for my life that I’m choosing to allow God to guide.  We all have free will so we can take the reigns and make most things happen but I’ve lived long enough to know that being outside of God’s will leads to a lot more heartache, disappointment and despair than does choosing to wait and trust in God’s timing and His will.  God loves us more than we can humanly imagine and he wants better for us than we want for ourselves.  Sometimes that means it takes a bit longer to get to where we want to be but I’m beginning to sit back and enjoy the journey more often than not, this way when the time arrives I’ll be perfectly prepared for the blessing(s) God has in store!   

Song to listen to:  "Be Still" -Yolanda Adams

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