Tuesday, November 1, 2011

"Abundant Life!"

John 10:10- "I came that they may have life and have it more abundantly."
From day to day I find myself more focused on what will happen in my future, rather than on what is happening in my life today.  It's hard to remember the last time I thought of the joys of each moment rather than when my dreams, goals and aspirations will finally appear.  John 10:10 says that Jesus came to this earth so that we would have life and have it in abundance!  As I reflected on this scripture, I realized that abundant life is not found only in answered prayers or attained goals but instead, abundant life is found in the seconds, minutes and hours of each and everyday!  We have to make a conscious effort each day to appreciate the small happenings that bring smiles to our faces.  Things like the cool fall breeze that flows through a window and brushes across your cheeks, like the sight of little kids tickling each other and laughing so hard they cry, like the sound of birds chirping outside at the start of a new day.  All these things seem so simple and usually they all get ignored as we rush through the day, thinking about tomorrow but you and me need to look at today as it is "the present," also known as "the gift" that God sent his son to give us all.  Let's start right now, living more joyful, more grateful and more abundantly! 

Song to listen to: Jeff Majors (featuring Kelly Price) - "God's Gift"

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