Wednesday, November 30, 2011

"Hope, Confidence and Trust"

“…But blessed are those who trust in the Lord and have made the Lord their hope and confidence.” –Jeremiah 17:7

With life being so busy it’s very difficult to make time for reading the bible, meditating on the word and praying.  Throughout everyday I’m in communication with God.  Internally, I’m talking to him all day, when things get hairy at work, I silently pray to God; when my spirits are just not high, I silently ask God for a lift.  For me it has become a natural routine to communicate with God. 

Just recently, I disciplined myself a bit more by getting up 20 minutes earlier each morning and reading and praying before I start my day.  With Thanksgiving last week and all the busyness of the holiday, this week I found myself off track with my routine.  I wasn’t taking my first 20 minutes for study and prayer and I noticed the change in me.  This morning I woke up with a heavy heart about a few things.  As I drove to work, I decided to turn off the radio and take some time with God.  I began to pray out loud about the things that were burdening me and the moment I said “In Jesus’ name, Amen,” I felt a relief come over me.  Immediately I felt lighter.  After getting to my desk I thought about the scripture that says, all of the answers to our prayers are “Yes and Amen.”  That to me means, once my prayer is submitted there should be no doubt or worry because God has said “Yes and Amen” so it is done.  I know that because of that particular scripture I no longer have to carry around those burdens; I no longer have to wonder how to fix things because once I give them over to God in prayer, he will work them out!  The scripture above says that those who trust in the Lord are blessed.  Even though I get weary and off track, I trust God with my life and everything in it.  I will continue to submit my cares and prayers to God daily and I will continue to remind myself that there is nothing too hard for God.  As long as I trust God and know that he has my best interest at heart, I am blessed and cannot be cursed!  It’s great to live with that confidence in one who will never fail me!

Song to listen to: “What a Mighty God We Serve” – Pastor Hezekiah Walker   

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