Tuesday, November 15, 2011

"God is For You!"

"...if God is for us, who can be against us?" -Romans 8:31, NIV

God has been whispering this scripture to me for a couple of weeks now.  At first, it was just a fleeting thought that brought a smile to my face, then as the days passed, the scripture began to guide me through some events that if not for that word, I may not have made it through!  Every single day we encounter people and situations that cause us to be fearful, or that cause us to be conflicted or out of balance with who we are and where our lives are headed.  For me, many times I can be having a pretty good day, where nothing in particular has gone wrong but my spirit is just not at peace and I wonder what is wrong with me and why am I feeling this way?  I think that as human beings we have the innate desire to be in control; in control of our lives and every element that forms our future.  We do play a part in forming where we end up but we have to remember that God is the author and the finisher of all things, He knows the beginning and the end!  He even knew each one of us before we breathed in our first breathe of life.  God didn't create us to be against us!  Ask yourself, why would you take the time to create something, just to destroy it?  When God created you and me, he had a plan and purpose in mind.  At times, we don't have a plan and don't know our purpose, but that doesn't change what God knows.  In the last week, I had some issues with co-workers and for about one minute I became fearful and thought, how am I going to make it through this, with my job in tact and with the respect of my colleagues?  Right after that question, God whispered this scripture to me again and I immediately had a peace.  If God is for me, who can be against me?  I like to add "and succeed!"  People can and will come against you but the key to remember is that they will not succeed!  You may look like David and the problem or person looks like Goliath, but just as that story ends, David defeated Goliath because he had God in his corner and on his side and he held on to that confidence!  Next time you face a Goliath, be calm, don't sweat it, just call on God and know that you will have the victory.  He is and will always be For You!

Song to listen to - "Nobody Greater", Vashawn Mitchell

***I will post devotionals on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.  Please join the group and comment whenever you feel moved! :-)

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